Articles in Category: Fitness Blog

My Bio Thursday, 22 March 2018

I love fitness training.  I grew up in Northern CA bay area and graduated from Cal State East Bay with a Bachelor degree in Liberal Arts.  My passion is exercise to feel great first--looking great is just an added benefit! I have an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Group Fitness Instructor certification, a POP Pilates instructor and Ballet Barre instructor certification. I currently teach POP Pilates and Barre classes at Gateway Fitness at Oracle in Columbia, MD. In 2007 I won a rock climbing contest on my wedding cruise that was totally unexpected. I enjoy traveling with my family.  Most recently we went to Pennsylvania to ski and snowboard. After completing a Tough Mudder and two Spartan races with a local team, I am truly obsessed with obstacle course racing! Contact me to learn more about classes and events. Instagram: @Kdoggette1021 Continue Reading Share This: columbia pop pilates fitness

Whatever Wednesday Wednesday, 02 May 2018

Happy Whatever Wednesday! Today actually feels like spring (or summer). Warmer weather is such a mood enhancer for me. Living on the east coast for almost 20 years now has me accustomed to the celebration of welcoming in the spring season. It's like it happens overnight when the leaves appear on trees, the flowers blossom, the bees buzz and nature literally comes alive again. It is a celebration and it is spectacular! Makes me want to go on the longest walk ever BUT the pollen count can trigger allergic reactions such as sneezing, coughing, and scratchy throat --all of which I have experienced lately. I've been taking good care of myself and family making sure we all get plenty of rest so that we have plenty of energy. I keep elderberry on hand for shortening cold symptoms. Natural antihistamine like camu camu has helped us too. Enjoy the weather, get out and move and enjoy the seasonal produce! I picked up some strawberries recently and they smell delicious.

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